Why we are fascinated with James bond and all that spy stuff?

We can easily become involved in a James Bond movie or any other representation of spies and tell ourselves that it's all fiction, but it's not completely true.
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Although it is fair to say that certain spy devices portrayed in Movies could not have been in the real world and never will be, over the years there are some very interesting gadgets that helped us spy on one another and gather information.

It isn't surprising that we really love Bond and his slick ways!

Although the sector is constantly innovating in order to try to stay one step ahead of its ever-changing adversary, digital networks to aerial surveillance were not introduced.

In ancient times the history of spies has indeed its roots.

B.C. Spy Gadgets. Times Times
Spy gadgets have a much longer history than you would have thought. In 500 B.C. the Spartans and old Greeks used their own form of scytal devices.

Such instruments were shaped like parchment-wrapped tubes or other material, and held instructions that needed to be conveyed during military campaigns.

To decipher the code, all the beneficiaries would have to do was place the material over a rod of the same size. Cool, huh?

The 19th century
In 1466 Leon Battista Alberti designed the so-called Alberti Chipher, an Italian painter and architect. This is claimed to be one of the first ever polyalphabentic ciphers to write as well as to decipher the messages.

The cipher included two disks graved with letters that were laid on each other in order that the messages could be created and decoded.

The 1700s Spy Gadgets
In the 1700s, there were some more significant market advances, including the "silver bullets" — perhaps not your own view — and the compassionate mark.

Bullets of silver (1776)

There were miniature silver bullets about the size of a ball of muscle — hollow objects that could be used to conceal messages. They were not unusual because they were so small, and they could easily be concealed and even eaten.

Some spies discovered that the swallowing had to follow the engineering improvement that eliminated leadership from design – through lead poisoning and death.

Friendly place (1778)

Dr. James Jay, John Jay's uncle, who was the first head judge of the Supreme Court of the world, invented this invisible ink. There was one chemical to write a letter, and another to decipher it.

Silas Deane, a leading French revolutionary agent, and George Washington were given the ink. This nice stain helped to inscribe hidden messages from London to America.

The 19th century

The Confederate Secret Service designed in 1864 one of the next great espionage devices and dubbed the "gas torpedo." This was a hollowed-out iron cast with explosives and a painting of gold.

Documents confirmed attacks were burned with these torpedos, but it is believed that they had taken down a number of ships.

The 1900s: Evolving Spy Gadgets
In the 1900s, you will intend to see a lot of innovations in spy devices, including the ones mentioned below, based on technical progress and historical trends. This century was one of the most fascinating in the world of spy devices.

Shot Pigeon (1916) Shot.

Pigeons were used to take photos, bear notes and more right across history. Throughout World War I, the military powers of both sides fitted pigeons with identification video cameras.

The Cher Ami U.S. Army carried 12 key messages that saved hundreds of allied lives by the distinguished French Army Cross de Guerre.

Playing with tables and cards (1940s)

Together with the United States Playing Card Co., British and U.S. information agencies were used to embellish secret maps into cards which were subsequently soaked into splices and maps to reveal. The enemys were used to falsify the enemy and to hide information throughout the 2nd World War.

The fake board game featured data, charts and compasses and a red mark on the room for 'free parking' was identified. We knew something's good space!

Camera of the Microdotus (60s)

This camera is one of the most critical surveillance cameras ever. The articles were illustrated and the size of the miniature points replicated.

These points may subsequently be dissimulated in letters, rings, styluses or other objects, read when necessary, using a Microscope.

Kits for Rectal exhaust (1960s)

While this one has an uncomfortable aspect, it has served its function for some time. It was a small capsule which the CIA circulated and which agents were given to conceal in their rectums.

It contained tiny papers, picks and other blunt and locked pieces which could help spies avoid custody.

Gun lipstick (1965) Gun.

The Kiss of Death is allegedly used by KGB officers, a 4.5 mm weapon cleverly hidden inside a lipstick bag.

Dog doo transmitter T11-51 (1970s) dog doo transmitter

A radio transmitter and a homing tool were dressed as dog feces to discourage citizens from participating. Air force to fly fuel flow at night during the Vietnam War.

Glasses with cyanide (1970s)

These glasses were developed for US prisoners in the 1970s by the CIA. The tips of the pellets were made of cyanide, so Americans could chew their lenses and kill themselves when faced with intense probing, torture or knowledge and secrets.

Screen of Bulgaria (1978)

This parachute has been tipped with ricin, which can be fired with a quick jab. In 1978 an unidentified individual murdered Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov with this tool.

Charlie robot cod (1999)

Anybody, James Pond? This little guy was an experiment in catfish shape to test the potential of aquatic robot technology.

The wireless observation line was autonomous and operated, and water samples would be gathered near critical water sites, such as nuclear plants, without any identification or capture.

Today Spy Gadgets
Even human agents are not as used as devices such as unmanaged spy planes, satellites and e-monitoring. Threats to security are less clearly defined and take shape online than they do in the physical world.

In this contemporary period cyber sleuthing with instruments such as:

Hardware for the nightstand

Spies can carry on cyber attacks within 8 miles by breaking into the Wi-Fi networks at the Nightstand of the National Security Agency.

Mouth-1 Cotton

That machine looks like a USB cable running every day, but even better than that. It feels as it is. It acts as a wireless connection to target networks, gripping each computer and causing havoc from them.

Our 007 Roots – not that fictitious
The examples in this article do not go far enough, but include some of the big developments which have driven further spy gear growth and improvement.

Moreover, the tools we know about these items are just those. A huge number of more weapons, equipment and tools is more than likely that allowed us to capture bad guys, expose enemy intentions and complete top-secret operations.

That should be proud of James Bond.

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